Building 8: DPM Townhouse #2

I received this Design Preservation Models kit as a gift from Chris when he took me on a birthday shopping spree in 2021 to The Electric Train Shop, Eastside Trains and Skyway Model Shop. I assembled the exterior walls in late April, and on May 1, I painted the side and rear walls with a mix of Model Master acrylic Railroad Tie Brown, Boxcar Red and Engine Black. During the same spray booth session, I was painting this mix onto the rear and sides of Building 7. The next day, I painted the front with a mix of Aged Concrete, Railroad Tie Brown and Engine Black. I didn’t take any photos of this building at the time, but I logged these steps in the Excel spreadsheets where I keep track of the steps I take. Then, the project sat idle for just over two years, when most of my modeling time was consumed by Building 7.

Items purchased on the birthday shopping spree, including this building kit in lower left.
Items purchased on the birthday shopping spree, including this building kit near lower left.

Building 7 was completed in late April 2023, and about a month later, I was getting very close to finishing Building 4. I was ready …

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Building 4: DPM Townhouse #3

Technically, I started this building in January 2020 when I sanded the edges of the exterior walls, but the parts went back in the package until that May. I then took three days to fill divots on the interior walls with plastic putty, glue the walls together, prime them and apply a base coat of paint. I filled the divots because I planned on painting those surfaces for use in the interior scenes. I later decided it was much easier and looked better if I covered the walls of interior scenes with paper, printed with my own custom graphics. The putty would shrink a lot while drying, requiring multiple coats and lots of drying time. It was too much work.

On the base coat of paint, I was going for a warm yellow brick color, like I had seen on a lot of older buildings around Pittsburgh. I used a mix of Model Master acrylic International Orange, Reefer Yellow, Rust and a touch of Grimy Black. Unfortunately, it was way too orange and would have to be repainted, but it sat idle for nine months. In February 2021, I tried to strip the orange paint with 91% isopropyl alcohol, but …

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Building 3: DPM Townhouse #1

Building 3 started as the Design Preservations Models kit “Townhouse 1”. It was only the second building interior I had detailed, and my plans for it changed a lot during the process, resulting in some behind-the-scenes construction that looks a little sloppy, but I’m really happy with the visible parts, and that’s what really matters.

I started this project simultaneously with Building 2 in April 2019, but then didn’t touch it again until January of 2020. On March 23 that year, I began working from home, and the state’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order took effect, keeping everyone at home except for essential activities. While people complained about having to stay home, I was actually excited about how much modeling time I’d have. By March 28, I finished painting the exterior, and about a month later, I sketched floor plans to figure out what interior scenes I would build. I decided the signature feature would be a stairwell visible through the door and windows above it, leading to a bulkhead on the rooftop where some women would be doing laundry in a washtub and hanging it up to dry.

I built the stairwell scene as a self-contained module which I …

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B&O Mail & Express Trains 31 & 32

After reading Jeff Wilson’s book Express, Mail & Merchandise Service, I wanted to include a mail train in my operations, but I didn’t think the P&LE had one (still not sure), and I figured if the B&O did, they probably ran it to their own station, not the P&LE terminal I’m planning to model. But while reading Harry Stegmaier’s 1997 book, Baltimore & Ohio Passenger Service, 1945-1971 – Volume 2: The Route of the Capitol Limited in March this year, I learned that the B&O did run a pair of steam-powered mail and express trains over the P&LE in 1949: Trains 31 and 32, operating every day except Mondays and days after holidays, starting in 1948. Prior to that, 31 and 32 used the B&O station across the river.

After reading about the trains in Stegmaier’s book, I looked them up in my October 1949 copy of the B&O Through Passenger Train Consist Book No. 12, a PDF I purchased from the B&O Railroad Historical Society in August 2021. Both trains would carry several baggage cars, an express reefer and a rider car. Train 31, which departed Washington at midnight, would arrive in Pittsburgh at 8:15 AM with …

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