I received this Design Preservation Models kit as a gift from Chris when he took me on a birthday shopping spree in 2021 to The Electric Train Shop, Eastside Trains and Skyway Model Shop. I assembled the exterior walls in late April, and on May 1, I painted the side and rear walls with a mix of Model Master acrylic Railroad Tie Brown, Boxcar Red and Engine Black. During the same spray booth session, I was painting this mix onto the rear and sides of Building 7. The next day, I painted the front with a mix of Aged Concrete, Railroad Tie Brown and Engine Black. I didn’t take any photos of this building at the time, but I logged these steps in the Excel spreadsheets where I keep track of the steps I take. Then, the project sat idle for just over two years, when most of my modeling time was consumed by Building 7.

Building 7 was completed in late April 2023, and about a month later, I was getting very close to finishing Building 4. I was ready …