Simulating the Slight On/Off Fade of Incandescent Lights When Using LEDs

When LEDs turn on, they reach their full brightness more quickly than incandescent lights do, and when they turn off, they reach full darkness more quickly than incandescent lights. The effect is particularly noticeable when comparing flashing LEDs with flashing incandescent lights, such as the red lights on railroad crossing signals. The difference is slight, but it’s perceptible enough that they don’t look quite right on layouts depicting a time before LEDs were used in crossing signals. To look right, there should be a barely perceptible moment in time when you can see some amount of light in both lights at the same time. I’ve wanted to find a way to simulate that effect by making the LEDs in my signals fade on and off at a similar speed, instead of having them just alternate between on and off. Having recently discovered Arduinos, I’m excited that I can achieve this look on my future crossing signals (and other types of lights) by using an Arduino to control them.

I wrote code that creates a timer for alternating between two phases, and initiates fade-on and fade-off functions for both lights each time the phase changes, at a suitable rate for …

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Learning Arduino

One day recently while watching videos on Model Railroader Video Plus, I came across a four-part series on using Arduinos for things like layout sound effects and animated lighting. I had never heard of Arduinos before, and those are aspects of the hobby that have been on my mind because it’s something I can work on without already having a layout, and it’s something that I can spend time getting familiar with, so that I’m ready with some automation solutions when I do have the space for a layout.

As Wikipedia describes them, Arduinos are “single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical and digital world.” Arduino boards will enable me to create the kind of electronic circuits I’ve had in mind, without the need to create the logic out of just the right combination of resistors, capacitors, timer chips, diodes and other electronic components, most of which I have very little understanding of. When circuits like those don’t work as expected, my lack of knowledge of those things makes it very difficult to troubleshoot. Arduinos, however, use the C++ programming language and a special Arduino …

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